[Expat-discuss] Fwd: Accented characters

omar.crea at jusan.it omar.crea at jusan.it
Mon Oct 22 17:39:12 CEST 2007

----- Forwarded message from omar.crea at jusan.it -----
    Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 16:08:17 +0200
    From: omar.crea at jusan.it
Reply-To: omar.crea at jusan.it
 Subject: Accented characters
      To: libexpat ML <expat-discuss at libexpat.org>

Hi everybody.
I have a problem with accented characters: I obtain "realtÃ" when parsing the
content "realtá", for example.
I also noted that if I try to parse a content like this: "Showroom Devon &amp;
Devon", I obtain as output "Devonoom Devon" (the text after &amp; overrides the
previous one).
I use Expat 2.0.1 on a Gentoo distro, but it gives me the same errors on an
embedded ARM system too.
I create the parser and then set the encoding this way:

p = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
XML_SetEncoding(p, (const XML_Char)"iso-8859-1");

Has anyone a solution? Thanks in advance.


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