[Expat-discuss] Parsing CDATA section

Ramprasad B ramprasad.i82 at gmail.com
Sun May 27 13:26:53 CEST 2007

On 5/26/07, Marco Forberg <marco.forberg at gmx.net> wrote:

Expat treats CDATA as any other text BUT calls the cdata start and end
> handlers before and after it passes your text to the text handler. So the
> the order of the calls would be the following:
> CDATA section start handler
> Text handler <-- this is your CDATA
> CDATA section end handler

Here's my code:

static void XMLCALL
startcData(void *userData){
  int *depthPtr = (int *)userData;
  /*I am unable to get cdata here. userData contains a single byte here*/

static void XMLCALL
endcData(void *userData){

int main(){
  XML_SetCdataSectionHandler(parser, startcData, endcData);

XML file:

    <C><![CDATA[Hello World]]></C>

I see that when the CDATA section starts, the startcData fucntion is called.

It's still not working ! BTW, which ptr points to CDATA section when the
startcData is called ?

Thanks !
Ramprasad B

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