[Expat-discuss] parsing a stream of XML over a socket

Ben Allison benski at nullsoft.com
Sun Jun 4 20:22:38 CEST 2006

Woops, Sorry about that.  My C++ wrapping code passes isFinal == 1
whenever the incoming data and length are 0, but you are correct that
expat handles 0 length just fine.  Sorry for the confusion.

Ben Pirt - another thing to check might be if there is any HTTP reply data
embedded within your socket's stream that you're not accounting for.

> On  4 Jun, Ben Allison wrote:
>> Parsing a stream chunks at a time works perfectly fine.  Just make sure
>> you never pass a zero-sized chunk of data, as this indicates and
>> end-of-file to Expat.
> No. It's only the isFinal argument of XML_Parse() and XML_ParseBuffer(),
> which inidicates, if the current chunk of data is the final one or
> not. Empty chunks (len == 0) are OK, even with isFinal == 0.
> rolf
>> Also, are you sure that your XML is valid?
>> -Ben Allison
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have just started trying to work with expat so that I can send out
>>> a stream of XML data over a socket so that a client can display the
>>> results. I have already written the server in java and am currently
>>> coding up a client in C which is where expat comes in. The problem I
>>> am having is that C reads the socket in chunks at a time and so when
>>> I pass a chunk to expat it will often throw an error. What is the
>>> best approach for this problem? Is there a way to tell expat to keep
>>> parsing a stream of XML? Is expat even the right parser to use?
>>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ben Pirt
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