[Expat-discuss] junk after document element

rolf at pointsman.de rolf at pointsman.de
Wed Dec 13 15:26:56 CET 2006

On 13 Dec, Mark Serlin wrote:
> I'm getting the above error message parsing this:
> <Framework verbex="Refresh" /><Player totalWin="0" balance="0"
> hasPlayedBefore="0" /><Awp></Awp><Bet numChips="1" chipSize="100"
> maxChips="1" minChips="1" validChips="10,25,50,100,200,500,1000,2000" />
> It's a CString by the way, I'm using it like this.
> 	XML_Status status = XML_Parse( parser, xmlToParse.GetBuffer(
> xmlToParse.GetLength() ), xmlToParse.GetLength(), true );	

You've an empty document tag 'Framework'. An XML document has always a
single root. Everything else other than whitespace, comments or
processing instructions after the closing tag of the document element
is junk. 


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