[Expat-discuss] Parser sending only one charector

Paul Todd paul at toddsoftware.com
Mon Oct 31 11:11:40 CET 2005

Are you using SyExpat or the C expat parser? 

-----Original Message-----
From: expat-discuss-bounces at libexpat.org
[mailto:expat-discuss-bounces at libexpat.org] On Behalf Of Ajit Kumar
Sent: 31 October 2005 07:53
To: Expat discussion
Subject: [Expat-discuss] Parser sending only one charector

I am using symbian- expat-1.95.8. While parsing an XML document the parser
sends only the first character of "TagName" to the "StartElement"
call back. Even the attribute seems to be not proper. I am using this Expat
on symbian platform. Is its all because of the Platform-symbian issue?
I am waiting for the response.
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