[Expat-discuss] [4suite-dev] Expat with UTF-32 support (as implemented in 4Suite.org)

Jeremy Kloth jeremy.kloth at fourthought.com
Tue Oct 4 20:18:49 CEST 2005

On Monday 03 October 2005 11:41 pm, Raphael Bossek wrote:
> Without the UTF-32 support in libexpat it will be mutch harder for
> me to maintain 4suite.org package for Debian GNU/Linux. The usage
> for libexpat instead of staticly linking the 4suite.org extension
> into the Python modules is mandatory for mod_python environments.
> We have to make sure only one version of expat symbols is loaded
> into memory.

Just for an update, I've checked in build support code to limit the symbols 
exported from the cDomlettec.so Python module.  It should now be able to be 
used within mod_python without conflicts (at least on platforms that have a 
fairly recent toolchain (2003+).

Raphael, please try latest CVS without applying the patch to build against 
libexpat.  Is there someplace that lists a process that would reproduce the 
conflict/error within mod_python that prompted the patch in the first place?  
I would really like to be able to test this myself as I now run on a 
Debian-based distro (Kubuntu).

Jeremy Kloth
Fourthought, Inc.

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