[Expat-discuss] Some Question about license

Zhan Zhaohua webpurchasing at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 8 03:45:17 CET 2005


    Our organization is planning a big project which
is a Linux-Embedded system and will be sold as
products in the market.
    Through our investigation, We want to use
expat at our system. But when we investigate the
license of FF we met some trouble.

    We know the when we compiling the expat, we
couldn't need any software. Is it correct?
    And we couldn't find which is necessary for
usage.So which is necessary for the expat usage? 

    Whether we only need to add the MIT License at our
product ? Don't be concerned about the expat

    if meet this condition: The A is requirement of
Expat, and the B is requirement of the A.

    Whether we add the B license at product when we
use the expat?

    This is first time for us to build so big project.
We don't want to make a mistake at license, it will
cause more trouble for our organization.

   Maybe Those of questions are not suitable, but any
informations will help us a lot.

   Thank you very much again!
   Wish a successful further cooperation!

Best regards

Zhan Zhaohua

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