[Expat-discuss] question: dose expat support XSD?

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Fri Feb 11 22:03:16 CET 2005

Howard Dong wrote:
> Hi Karl,
> thanks for clarification. 
> One more question: 
> I am doing some stuff to convert between the non-XML data(you can imagine as a text document)
 > and XML. My approach is: try to fill in the XML_ParserStruct with the information from text,
 > and call the XML_Parse to generate a XML file. On the other hand, I want to read
 > XML_ParserStruct and extract them and generate my own text file.>
> But it seems XML_ParserStruct is not a tree to hold the information it has just passed 
 > -- forget about the memory first, do you know how to do it?

Expat can only read XML files, but not generate them.


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