[Expat-discuss] Question regarding latest version of expat

White, Kevin W kevin.w.white at lmco.com
Fri Jun 4 09:12:42 EDT 2004

I have been trying to make the latest version of expat, with some considerable problems.  I found an older version right off the bat.  Every aspect of it built great.  I built it in VisualStudio 6.0, and linux without making a single change, warning, or error message -- it was wonderful to see that developers are able to be this good.
Then I decided I should use the latest version.  Argh!  Now I find that anything checked into the gnu repository is utterly useless.  Is someone managing a version with the latest bug fixes that actually builds on a platform that people use?  I deeply feel for whoever spent painful hours developing the original code.  What once was, was wholesome goodness - it would be nice to be able to have the latest fixes in a similar, more usable format.

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