[Expat-discuss] how to support  ?

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at acm.org
Fri Jul 30 20:13:13 CEST 2004

On Thursday 29 July 2004 09:17 pm, Yufeng Chu wrote:
 >    Now I'm using Expat 1.95.7 to parse xhtml, but I find Expat cann't
 > recognise  . To support  , what should I do?

It doesn't look like you're loading the DTD.  Make sure your XHTML documents 
properly specify the XHTML DTD using the DOCTYPE declaration, and that your 
application parses external parameter entities.  The documentation should 
provide enough information about how to do that.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>

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