[Expat-discuss] (no subject)

Régis St-Gelais regis.st-gelais at laubrass.com
Wed Oct 29 07:39:44 EST 2003

>Fred wrote:
>I can only guess what your actual character handler looks like, but
>I'd still guess that you're having exactly the problem I described
>earlier.  Please review your code carefully, keeping in mind that each
>character could be reported to the application separately.  (It
>normally won't be in practice, but it could be, depending on the input

Having specials caracters in my xml file ( ", >, <, ...) I've notice in the
begining of my experimentation with expat that each time the parser sees one
of those caracter, it call the data handling routine. So it realy looks like
P. Anand's probleme is , as you said, caused by a data handling routine that
assume that it will receive only one call per string of data.


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