[Expat-discuss] not well-formed (invalid token)

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Fri May 30 09:55:16 EDT 2003

---- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gururajan, Subhashini (Cognizant)" <GSubhash at chn.cognizant.com>
To: "Dan Rosen" <dr at netscape.com>

> Thanks for the response. The problem is solved. But I see that the character handler
> is called more than once even though I have just one block of word in between my tags. 
> The consecutive calls to character handler do not have any text associated with them.

If there are line breaks, Expat will have to normalize them,
which interrupts the character handler callbacks. So you
should see line breaks in those calls that you consider empty text.


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