[Expat-discuss] Re: expat in C++

Ales Cepek cepek at gama.fsv.cvut.cz
Wed May 21 20:54:31 EDT 2003

"Sergio Barbosa Villas-Boas" <villas at del.ufrj.br> writes:

> So, however having the expat source code, I still do not have
> a working C++ set of sources that if compiled produce the
> desired effect. That's what I'm looking for.
> I wonder if you or anyone can help me on that.

... I would like to join to Sergio. This feature was available in
expat v. 1.1 (it's C source was platform independent and simple to
incorporate into any other source code, C++ in my case). Of course I
can understand why running configure script is needed for all
demanding applications but as it is now I prefer to use the "obsolete"
version 1.1.

Would it be possible to add "platform independent configuration" to


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