[Expat-discuss] Re: Summary of Pull API thoughts

Chris Cross xcross at us.ibm.com
Wed Mar 26 12:22:28 EST 2003

We're using gcc 2.95.3 (a windows cross-compiler build) for our Linux
targets. I'm a little shaky on this subject but I think that the switch
you're referring to is supported in gcc 3.x, right?


Chris Cross
IBM Boca Raton
xcross at us.ibm.com
voice 561.862.2102  t/l 975.2102
fax 561.862.3922

|         |           "Karl Waclawek"  |
|         |           <karl at waclawek.ne|
|         |           t>               |
|         |                            |
|         |           03/26/2003 11:18 |
|         |           AM               |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                             |
  |       To:       "Fred L. Drake, Jr." <fdrake at acm.org>, <expat-discuss at libexpat.org>, Chris Cross/West Palm Beach/IBM at IBMUS  |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                   |
  |       Subject:  Re: [Expat-discuss] Re: Summary of Pull API thoughts                                                        |
  |                                                                                                                             |

> Actually, we're having to do a flavor of this anyway on Linux, where the
> wchar.h Unicode interface is 4 bytes while Opera is still 2.

What compiler are you using?
gcc on Linux allows a switch to make wchar_t 2 bytes instead of 4.
That is how Expat is compiled for UTF-16 output.


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