[Expat-discuss] Re: Summary of Pull API thoughts

Chris Cross xcross at us.ibm.com
Tue Mar 25 12:58:44 EST 2003

Well the answer is maybe not so cool. We're using 1.2 with Opera, but
planning on jumping to your new version if/when we start using it elsewhere
in the product.

I'd thought of the brute force appoach of two dll's but that looks bad in
an embedded stack. On the other hand, if you're switching between Japanese
and English at runtime, 88KB for the XML parser is the least of your
worries ;-)


Chris Cross
IBM Boca Raton
xcross at us.ibm.com
voice 561.862.2102  t/l 975.2102
fax 561.862.3922

|         |           "Karl Waclawek"  |
|         |           <karl at waclawek.ne|
|         |           t>               |
|         |                            |
|         |           03/25/2003 11:35 |
|         |           AM               |
|         |                            |
  |                                                                                                                |
  |       To:       <expat-discuss at libexpat.org>, Chris Cross/West Palm Beach/IBM at IBMUS                            |
  |       cc:                                                                                                      |
  |       Subject:  Re: [Expat-discuss] Re: Summary of Pull API thoughts                                           |
  |                                                                                                                |

> I know this is off-topic, but while you have your design juices flowing I
> thought I'd ask a question that we're struggling with in my group.
> My group is using expat to implement a VoiceXML processor and a
> browser using the XHTML + Voice proposal in the W3C
> (http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml+voice/.) We're also considering its use by
> grammar compiler in our speech engines in order to support the Speech
> Recognition Grammar Specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/speech-grammar/)

Cool. Which version of Expat?

> However, we have a sticky requirement for our language support to be able
> to switch dynamically between 1 byte ascii and 2 byte Unicode. By doing
> this, our European languages require half the space of the Asian
> which is very important for our embedded customers who sqeal every
> we consume.
> How hard would it be to change the character size from a build-time to a
> run-time decision in expat?

It looks hard, since even the API itself is statically tied to the
definition of XML_Char.

However, you should be able to compile two libraries (XML_Char defined
as char or wchar_t), and dynamically load whichever you need at runtime,
and even switch between them. Why would that not work for you?


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