[Expat-discuss] c++-ize expat

m. michal017 at centrum.sk
Tue Jun 24 16:37:10 EDT 2003

The problem is expat can't be compiled with c++ compiler (g++ in my case).
There are many implicit casts from void* to FILE* for instance that have to be done explicitely.

On Tue, 24 Jun 2003 08:47:06 -0400
"Fred L. Drake, Jr." <fdrake at acm.org> wrote:

>m. writes:
> > I am wondering whether it is possible to c++-ize expat's code so
> > that it could be compiled with c++ compiler.  The reason for this
> > is the ability to throw exceptions from callback functions.  I have
> > to remove all the 'extern "C"' stuff from expat code and cast all
> > the void* to FILE* and so on..  Could this be done in the default
> > expat's code?  Thanks..  michal
>It's not at all clear what you need.  Expat is a C library, but most
>of the C++ compilers out there should be fairly happy with it.  We
>normally build it with support for C++ exceptions, so I don't
>understand what you're having problems with.
>Please be more specific; it'll be easier to help.
>  -Fred
>Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
>PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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