[Expat-discuss] infinite document size?

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Tue Jun 3 20:46:18 EDT 2003

>   I have written a server which receives and parses
> xml messages using expat. It seems to me that I may be
> able to create my handlers, receive an infinite number
> of messages and, when the program exits (which will
> hopefully be never), I can free the parser. Is that
> the case? Do other people use expat in this manner?

Is each message a complete XML document?
> Or is it safer to free the parser after each message
> received?

If the answer to the above question is Yes, then
the XML_ParserReset function is specifically intended 
for this purpose. So you should be able to use it
instead of XML_ParserFree.


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