[Expat-discuss] [Beginner] UTF-8 / UTF-16 Question

Alan Leigh alleigh at mac.com
Fri Aug 29 03:11:48 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I'm using another library which assumes anything that is a char* is 
ASCII, and anything that's wchar_t* is unicode. Anyway.. expat is doing 
its job very nicely, and so is the other library I think but I can't 
get them to cooperate. I installed expat using the default encoding 
(UTF-8), but since my other library thinks char* are ascii, that 
doesn't seem to work. I went back and built the other library, 
libexpatw, and I link with that, but I still get the XML_Char being a 
char. The other option I suppose, can I just 'promote' a char* to a 
wchar_t* - does this make sense if the char* is UTF 8??

A suggestion would be greatly appreciated!


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