[Expat-discuss] Using Expat to rewrite an XML file, can it be done?

Mauro Daniel Ardolino mauro@altersoft.com.ar
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 11:34:43 -0400 (ART)

Thank you very much! my confussion started when I thought that expat was a
SAX parser...as you say is "SAX like".  Now I red "what expat not is".
I'll try arabica.

Thanks again!


On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Karl Waclawek wrote:

> > About this answer I have a question:
> > 
> > I'm starting to write a program in C++ and I want to parse a XML 
> > document to get some parameters.  Is it recommended to use something
> > else than expat?  I mean, reading this answer I think I have to
> > find something to mount on expat, other high-level layer.
> > Is it that what you wanted to say?  Any suggestions?
> Well, if you want to edit an XML file then a DOM parser looks
> more like what you need. There are several available, like
> Xerces and libXML.
> If you just want to read data from the XML document and use them some
> other way, than Expat should do just fine for the reading part.
> If you want to adhere to a standardized API, like SAX, then
> you need a wrapper that exposes Expat functionality 
> (which is already SAX like) in a more strictly SAX way.
> There is one link on the Expat home page for a SAX wrapper
> written in C++. I don't know how widely used this specific
> version of the SAX API is, in the C++ world, but here it is:
> http://www.jezuk.co.uk/cgi-bin/view/arabica
> There is another C++ wrapper too, but the link seems dead at the moment:
> http://www.codeproject.com/soap/expatimpl.asp
> Hope that helps,
> Karl

Ing.Mauro Daniel Ardolino
Departamento de Desarrollo y Servicios
Billinghurst 1599 - Piso 9
C1425DTE - Capital Federal
Tel/Fax: 4821-3376 / 4822-8759
mailto: mauro@altersoft.com.ar
website: http://www.altersoft.com.ar