[Expat-discuss] Rebuilding Expat for ActivePerl

Karl Waclawek karl@waclawek.net
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 15:00:03 -0400

> Hi Jeffry,
> I am also trying to "upgrade" the XML::Parser to use the Expat_1_95_5 static
> libraries
> I have XML::Parser 2.31 and XML::Expat:Parser 2.31 installed in correct
> locations 
> When I run the parser across a xml file I recieve the message
> Can't find 'boot_XML__Parser__Expat' symbol in
> c:/Perl/site/lib/auto/XML/Parser/Expat/libExpat.dll  at
> C:\Perl\site\lib\XML\Parser.pm line 15
> Compilation failed in require at C:\Perl\site\lib\XML\Parser.pm line 15.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\Perl\site\lib\XML\Parser.pm line 19.
> Is this the correct forum to post this issue.  Are other having problems
> doing this?
> Can we find any docos?
> Is there a binary incompatability with 1_95_1, do I need to do anything
> special here?

AFAIK, applications working with 1_95_2 should still work with 1_95_5.
Don't know about 1_95_1.

As far as Perl is concerned - the expert on  the team was Clark Cooper,
who is not active anymore. Currently we have no one who specializes
on the Perl bindings for Expat.

However, this is all a volunteer effort, and it often starts out
by asking for fixes/features without success, then implementing
them oneself, and finally contributing them back to the project. ;-)
