[Expat-discuss] Trouble using static expat in MS VC 6

Karl Waclawek karl@waclawek.net
Thu Nov 21 22:12:42 2002

>     Problem found!!! I was linking statically MFC and expat did not like it.
>     So changing the option in Project->Settings->General->Microsoft
> Foundation Classes to "Use MFC in a Shared DLL", it works.
>     I don't know where's exactly the problem, so... does anybody know a way
> of linking MFC statically and still having expat working?
>     Thank you!
>     Oriol
>     P.S. Thanks a lot, Karl, for your time.

You are welcome. :-)

This may be related to the Shared MFC Dll issue:
The next version will have instructions (..\Win32\ReadMe.txt) to build three
different versions of the static lib, to match how the application is
linked to the runtime library. I am not sure, but this may also have
to match how MFC is linked in.


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