[Expat-discuss] Looking for sample code using ExternalEntityRefHandler

St. Louis, Thomas (Research) stlouis@crd.ge.com
Thu May 30 09:18:04 2002

I'm using the expat parser for a Pocket PC app developed using MS emBedded C++ and the std
XML_ParserCreate doesn't work very well for the following tag:
<Description>Anything containing encoded data such as &amp;&lt;96D&gt;Accepted</Description>

I beleive I need to set entity parsing to XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_NEVER .  The function is not
available to me which probably means my compilation of expat is missing something.  It's not clear to
me what should be in the ExternalEntityRefHandler callback function.

Any help is appreciated.


	g GE Global Research Center
	Tom St.Louis
	Computer Scientist
	Advanced Computing Technologies
	One Research Circle, K1-5B32	
	Niskayuna, NY  12309