[Expat-discuss] Question in Using expat in Borland Environment

Wed Jul 17 14:40:04 2002

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I am using Borland C++ Builder.  I downloaded the latest version of expat,
as well as the patch, opened the ExpatGroup.bpg project and "make" it.   And
I have no problem with this.
Then, in my own project, I included "expat.h" and compiled my project.
There is no error message.  However, when I run it, I got a linker error:
Unresolved external '_XML_ParserCreate' reference from E:\MyTest\Test.obj.
Do I need to include other files as well?  Or do I miss something when
building my project?  Thanks.
c-chu@ttimail.tamu.edu <mailto:c-chu@ttimail.tamu.edu> 

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