[Expat-discuss] Mac OS X expertise needed

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Wed Jul 10 11:29:51 2002

Does anyone reading this list develop on Mac OS X?

I just tried building & testing the CVS version of Expat on the Mac OS
X 10.1 box on the SourceForge compile farm, and ran into what appears
to be a libtool glitch (using libtool 1.4.2):

The build proceeds just fine, but attempting to run the test suite
generates the following error:

tests/runtests: error: ~/src/expat-1.95.4/tests
/home/users/f/fd/fdrake/src/expat-1.95.4/tests/.libs/runtests does not exist
This script is just a wrapper for runtests.
See the libtool documentation for more information.

Installing the Expat library and then running the test suite (using
"make check") works fine, but we should be able to run the tests
without installing Expat.

Can anyone help figure out what's going on?  Thanks!


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation