[Expat-discuss] Alternative Encodings

Mark Mitchenall mark@mitchenall.com
Tue Aug 20 09:49:04 2002

Can anyone point me in the direction of some examples of the
UnknownEncodingHandler, etc?  I need to add support for Shift-JIS and Big5
encodings in the documents, and although I think I know what's necessarily,
some pointers to some C source which demonstrates the features would be
really useful.

Can anyone suggest any URLs?  I saw in the archive that I should have a look
at the Perl XML::Parser, but I couldn't find the source.



Mark Mitchenall
Principal Consultant

Email:  mark@mitchenall.com
Tel:     +44(0)20 8452 3031
Mobile:  +44(0)7850 847 543