[Expat-discuss] Writing XML ?

Kaufman, Michael Michael.Kaufman@arbitron.com
Tue Aug 20 07:14:01 2002


I've been doing a bit of searching for XML libraries.  It seems the two good
ones are expat and libxml (the GNOME project one) and there's also some LT
XML v1.2 library coming out of the UK.  This may very well be a dumb newbie
question but... do any of these libraries support CREATING XML files as
opposed to just parsing/reading them??  I have a lot of flat text files that
are well-formatted, but am looking at transforming them into XML form.  I
already have a parser for my pre-existing files, what I need is a library to
link into this parser that will allow me to re-write as XML. 
 I saw the LT XML library had some PrintXXXX functions, but they didn't seem
to be exactly what I wanted (I may be wrong).  The expat library doesn't
seem to support it at all, and I can't quite tell either way with libxml.
Can anyone help?
