[Expat-discuss] Problems with utf8_toUtf8

Marta Padilla martap@tango04.net
Tue Aug 6 10:47:02 2002

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I'm still working to adapt Expat to AS/400. The code has a different
behaviour in following function:


  if (fromLim - *fromP > toLim - *toP) {
    /* Avoid copying partial characters. */
    for (fromLim = *fromP + (toLim - *toP); fromLim > *fromP; fromLim--)
      if (((unsigned char)fromLim[-1] & 0xc0) != 0x80)

--> WHY 0xc0 and =x80 ??

  for (to = *toP, from = *fromP; from != fromLim; from++, to++)
    *to = *from;
  *fromP = from;
  *toP = to;

I guess it has something to do with Ascii codes. Can anyone clarify me what
does this function do?


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