[Expat-discuss] Re: troubles with expat sol 8/gcc

Greg Stein gstein@lyra.org
Thu Aug 1 11:10:44 2002

[ copying to the discussion mailing list ]

I think it would be most helpful to see how Perl is complaining. What is the
error message? I'm not a Perl guy, but there are people on this list that
might be able to help track the issue down from there.

Also helpful would be a listing of what Expat files were actually installed,
and where.

Expat has testing tools, but they're really used for testing Expat itself,
rather than "did it install properly?" And those tools are going to say
"everything is fine" (otherwise, we wouldn't have released :-)


On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 09:20:57AM -0700, chris watson wrote:
> o'reilly came out with a book called perl for sys admins. 
> in the book they describe how to build an xml document that
> contains user meta data.  one of the tools required to build
> tools that manage this xml document is expat.
> i am trying to build all of these tools in such a way that
> the tool directory can be picked up and moved to a different
> location and everything in the tool directory still works. 
> this means that i am building all of the tools from source
> code and using the --prefix flag with the configure script.
> the tools that i have that are attempting to use expat are
> perl and the perl module xml::parser.  seems that i cannot
> get xml::parser to run properly....that is, it complains
> about expat.
> so...i was wondering if you could lend a hand, or your
> eyeballs, and maybe tell me what i am doing wrong.
> is there a utiltity that comes with the expat distribution
> that i can use to check and make sure that my installation
> of expat is working properly?
> thanks
> cw

Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/