[Expat-discuss] Rebuilding Expat for ActivePerl

Spain, Jeffry A. spainj@countryday.net
Sun Apr 21 17:16:11 2002

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I'd like to rebuild expat.dll from source code with some modifications
using Visual Studio for use with ActivePerl. I've tried the expat.dsw
project file in C:\Perl\site\lib\XML\Parser\Expat, but it doesn't appear
to build the required expat.dll that goes in
C:\Perl\site\lib\auto\XML\Parser\Expat. I've also tried downloading the
latest Expat Win32 version 1.95.2 from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/expat/. While it does build expat.dll,
the Perl module Expat.pm fails with an error: Can't find
'boot_XML__Parser__Expat' symbol in
C:/Perl/site/lib/auto/XML/Parser/Expat/Expat.dll. Thank you for any
suggestions as to how to proceed.

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