[Expat-discuss] Re: expat compilation

Carlos Pereira carlos@pehoe.civil.ist.utl.pt
Fri Sep 7 06:22:03 2001

Hi there,

expat-1.95.2 is now compiling well on 
my (admitedly 3-years old) Linux system.

This is what I did:

1) on config.h, replaced the line:
/* #undef HAVE_MEMMOVE */
#define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1
(basically config didn't find my memmove)

2) Removed the -fexceptions gcc option on lib/Makefile and xmlwf/Makefile.
(a new gcc option, I guess)


>I sucessfully compiled expat-1.2, expat-1.95.0 and expat-1.95.1
>on my Intel-based system running GNU/Linux Red Hat 5.2, with
>the usual ./configure, make, make install method.

>However, when I try the same with expat-1.95.2 I get
>the error below, during compilation. Disabling
>the -fexceptions on lib/Makefile and xmlwf/Makefile 
>doesn't help either.