[Expat-discuss] When are expat patches going to be rolled into a new release?

Greg Stein gstein@lyra.org
Fri Nov 9 08:32:04 2001

On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 12:40:22PM -0500, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> Tim Crook writes:
>  > Having everything that has been put into CVS recently as a new release would
>  > be a good idea.
>   I agree.  There are a couple of other bugs that I'd like to get
> wrapped up, including getting your recent patch added it.  I have a
> backlog of mail about Expat to dig through as well.  (In case anyone
> hadn't guessed!)
>   I do appreciate everyone's interest and help.  Let's try for a new
> release in time for the seasonal holidays.

Can do!

After this release, I've also been thinking about an expat-embed-1.95.x
release. Sort of a stripped down tarball that people can embed/reship in
their projects. I've noticed a lot of people bundling expat into their code,
and the -embed release could be a big win for those people.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/