[Expat-discuss] (no subject)

Paul Prescod paulp@ActiveState.com
Mon, 14 May 2001 16:50:07 -0700

rolf@pointsman.de wrote:
> I would say, the XML recommendation doesn't determine in any way, how
> a parser have to report the allowed values of an enumeration or
> notation attribute to an application. It's possible, to do it in one
> 'pre-cleared' string, as expat does is, or as an array of strings, or
> in one 'raw' string, as the allowed values where found within the
> document etc etc. Therefor, different parser implementations does it
> in fact in different ways. For example xerces C++ returns the allowed
> values as _space_ seperated values. If I'm wrong, please point me to
> the according place within the XML recommendation.

Now that I understand what you are saying, I agree that the behavior is
allowed but not required by the XML spec. I'm not sure what your
original question or criticism was.

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