[Expat-discuss] Lots of Patches

Sam TH sam@uchicago.edu
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 16:35:11 -0600

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On Sat, Feb 03, 2001 at 02:16:24PM -0500, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> Sam TH writes:
>  > Well, I had a little spare time, so I fixed the non-platform specific
>  > bugs listed in the bug tracker, and made everything compile (including
>  > the three applications). =20
> Sam,
>   I've been a little swamped lately from the Python 2.1 alpha release,
> and will be out of town this coming week.  If Clark doesn't get a
> chance to look at your patches this week, I'll take a look at them
> when I get back (not sure at what priority).
>   In the meanwhile, it would really help if you could submit these
> patches using the SourceForge patch manager for Expat:
> 	http://sourceforge.net/patch/?group_id=3D10127
> That will make it much harder for us to lose patches in our inboxes.
> ;)  If you don't already have a SourceForge login, this would be an
> excellent time to get one.
>   I'd really like to get all the build-related issues taken care of;
> there's no reason for Expat to be difficult to build.  (Especially
> since we try and really take care with Python in that department!)
>   I really appreciate your help in fixing these problems!

Well, I've uploaded all of those, and one more to fix another bug
people had refered to relating to dependency information that was
gcc-only.  Let me know if you have any more questions. =20
	sam th		    =20
	GnuPG Key: =20

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