[Expat-discuss] compiling for Windows NT

Kem Morehead kmorehead@idiominc.com
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 16:21:46 -0500


While trying to compile expat-1.95.1 for Windows NT, we encountered the
following problems:

1.  While expat.dll compiled fine in debug mode, the release configuration
gave us many errors.  After poking around a bit, we found the problem in the
setting for xmltok_impl.c and xmltok_ns.c.  These two files were excluded
from the build in the debug configuration but not in the release
configuration.  After excluding them from the release configuration, the
compilation was okay.

2.  The VERSION definition kept on giving us problems during the build for
the release configuration but not in the debug.  We think it may be due to
the way the double quotes are placed around it.  In the end we just placed
the definition directly in expat.h and things were okay.

Other than that things seemed to work generally very well on win32.  thanks
for all the good work!


Kem Morehead, software engineer
Idiom, Inc. [www.idiominc.com]