[Expat-checkins] expat/tests runtests.c,1.43,1.44

Karl Waclawek karl at waclawek.net
Fri Jan 24 11:32:42 EST 2003

> Karl Waclawek writes:
>  > Should have looked more closely before.
>  > You are using thee wrong type of document.
>  > 
>  > xmlns='' is OK, but xmlns:pre='' is not.
> You're still looking at the wrong test; test_ns_default_with_empty_uri
> passes as expected.
>  > This is Jeremy's test document:
>  > 
>  > <?xml version='1.0'?> 
>  > <docelem xmlns:pre=""/> 
> If I modify test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_2 to use exactly this
> document:
> /* Regression test #2 for SF bug #673791. */
> START_TEST(test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_2)
> {
>     char *text =
>         "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n"
>         "<docelem xmlns:pre=''/>";
>     expect_failure(text,
>                    XML_ERROR_SYNTAX,
>                    "Did not report setting namespace URI with prefix to ''.");
> }
> ...the test fails.  Is this test wrong?

I am confused now - I never saw a test case that checks that
Jeremy's document is in error. 

Your two test cases so far, check that:
- default namespace can be empty,
- xmlns:prefix='' is allowed when namespace processing is turned off

Am I right?
Now, we need a test case that checks that xmlns:prefix='' is
an error when namespace processing is on. This newest test case
above seems to be the one.

What do you mean with : this test fails?
I mean: Expat should return an error and the test case should
expect that error. Are you saying that in the above test case,
Expat does *not* return an error?


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