Job security Easy 30-50% 3317ShdX3-337tcYg-16
Sun Jul 21 00:27:04 2002

An Easy 30-50% Return!
and here's how.....

Learn how YOU can receive a monthly check
for 3, 4, or 5% a month until your initial investment
is paid off...then a monthly check for over 4% a month
for years to come!!!

We know it sounds impossible, but it's happening
today and here's where.

In the merchant business!...What's that??  
You know those little black boxes where businesses swipe
your credit cards!  That's called P.O.S.  
Point of Sale Technology! And, these numbers are verifiable.

This multi-trillion dollar industry in which our business
will supply cedit cards, debit cards, check verification,
funds transfer, prepaid cell phone, prepaid phone cards,
bill payment and many other services for the consumer in
the retail environment with plenty of growth ahead.

Success P.O.S. will professionally manage and service
your business daily.  Established and proven locations
available nationwide.

To find out how you can participate and achieve a monthly
income of between 3% and 5% (30% to 50% yearly) with a
relatively small investment contact us now:

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