[execnet-dev] getting execnet work from linux to windows

Kishor Pawar krisp1506 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 02:46:34 EST 2016

Hello Devs,

I am trying to execute some python/powershell code from linux box to remote
windows machine on aws.

I have install openSSH on window machine, I can connect to windows machine
from terminal.

Though I could not be able connect same windows machine using *execnet.*

 I have explain this scenario on stackoverflow

I doubt that firewall on windows is restricting *execnet* if *execnet* is
trying to connect on port other than 22. May I know if that is the case, so
that I can add rule to allow inbound connection on that port.

*Thanks & Regards*
*Kishor Pawar*

*The Trouble with the world is that Stupids are Full of Confidence and
The Intelligent are Full of Doubts.*
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