[execnet-dev] Socket gateway windows service

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Sat Jul 3 10:02:00 CEST 2010

Hi Charles, 

On Fri, Jul 02, 2010 at 16:31 -0500, Charles Solar wrote:
> Ah, a few hours after sending this I found the scripts folder, and here I
> thought socketserver.py was just an example.. oh well.

Your code still makes sense - an installable windows service would be great. 

> Anyway after using this a bit I am afraid I need to modify how the
> Socketgateway works and I would like a tip or two about a couple things.
> I noticed that socketgateways will run the remote code in their own world,
> which is a bit different from ssh gateways where the ssh session terminates
> when the job is done.  The sshd remains untainted because the remote server
> spawned a nice python process for us.
> However the socketgateways run the remote code in themselves and thus if the
> remote code dirties up the interpreter the whole daemon is bad.


> In my case I am starting a twisted reactor on the remote server, and once a
> twisted reactor has been created its expected that it is alive as long as
> the python process itself.  Because of this, the socket gateway daemon is
> only good for 1 connection, then it crashes because twisted's reactor has
> issues.
> The solution to this problem would be to execute the incoming remote code in
> a new popen gateway on the remote server instead of inside the socket
> gateway instance itself.  I have been skimming a few files but I am not
> completely sure how or where would be a good place to put the popen gateway.
> My gut tells me the proxy should be put in SocketIO, but I figured it might
> save some time to send out an email to find out how these systems interact.

not sure, but for now i'd rather not try to nest execnet gateways,
mostly because it will be fun to debug (there is some logging and 
nested gateways generally work though).  Also, a nice property of 
the socketgateway server is that it's rather independent from execnet 
impl details.  

Rather, the socketgateway.py service could learn to act just like 
the ssh-daemon by using subprocess.Popen and allowing multiple connections.  
IMHO just using threads that own a socket and proxy IO to their subprocess'ed
gateway could be straightforward.  

In any case, I am happy to review and integrate your code into the next release 
if you go down this route, both for the service and the socketserver issue. 


> Thanks
> On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Charles Solar <charlessolar at gmail.com>wrote:
> > I wrote up a windows service script for starting a socket gateway.  Thought
> > other people might like to use it.  Its pretty basic, but gets the job
> > done.  PyWin32 is required.
> >
> > Thanks for the great library.
> >
> > Charles
> >

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