[EuroPython] EuroPython 2016 Keynote: Rachel Willmer

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Tue May 24 04:38:57 EDT 2016

We are pleased to announce our third keynote speaker for EuroPython

			*** Rachel Willmer ***

About Rachel Willmer

Rachel has been working at the "bleeding edge" of technology for 30
years, as programmer, network engineer, manager, startup founder:

   "I remain insatiably curious about how today's new technology gives
   birth to tomorrow's new business opportunity. I am CEO/Founder of
   Luzme, the ebook search site, and a Google Developer Expert

The Keynote: 30 years of Fun & Profit Through Technology

Have you ever wondered how you could be your own boss? or how you
could make money from your side project? or build the next Facebook or

To be a coder in today's world of work is to have amazing
opportunities to design the business life you want.

   "I've enjoyed the last 20 years without a 'real job', as company
   founder, freelancer and side-project-hacker.

   Now I am bootstrapping my current company to profitability. Listen
   to my stories and learn from my mistakes and successes."

With gravitational regards,
EuroPython 2016 Team

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