[EuroPython] EuroPython 2017 On-site Teams: Call for Interest (CFI)

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Sat Jul 16 06:40:46 EDT 2016

The EuroPython Society (EPS) is happy to announce the Call for
Interest (CFI) for EuroPython 2017:


The purpose of this call is to get to know teams willing to help
organize the EuroPython conference on site at a suitable location
and determine the Call for Participation (CFP) candidates in the
second phase of the selection process.

If your team is interested in submitting a CFP in phase two of
the process, please send in a CFI proposal.

Some important dates:

 * 2016-07-22
   CFIs received until this day will be announced in the
   conference closing session

 * 2016-07-29
   Deadline for CFI submissions

EuroPython Society

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:

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