[EuroPython] "Pro rata" ?

Carina.Haupt at dlr.de Carina.Haupt at dlr.de
Thu May 15 16:09:51 CEST 2014

Hi Svaksha,

there is no rule if somebody gets a full coverage of the cost or just a partial. It depends on the amount of the costs, the fulfilled requirements, and some other attributes, also including the country of origin. Regarding your specific request: If category 3 is granted part wise, it does not mean you get a specific percentage of your costs, but that either you get a specific amount of money to spend as you like or we offer you a pays abed in a hostel i.e.. We always try to figure out a way which fits best for the person applying, so just state your situation in your application and if you get considered for a grant, we will try to find a solution.

Best regards

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: EuroPython [mailto:europython-
> bounces+carina.haupt=dlr.de at python.org] Im Auftrag von svakSha
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014 15:45
> An: europython at python.org
> Betreff: Re: [EuroPython] "Pro rata" ?
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 6:28 PM, Andreas Jung <ep at zopyx.com> wrote:
> > Hi Svaksha,
> >
> > See
> >
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_rata
> >
> > It basically means that the financial aid committee has the freedom to
> > decide how much financial support can be given for travel and housing
> > depending on the application, level of volunteering and so on.
> > Since the budget for financial assistance is not infinite the
> > committee has to make decisions in order to spread money in a
> > reasonable way the across elegible applicats. The decision for the
> > final round will be made after the deadline  which ends tonight.
> Thanks for the reply Andreas. I agree with your observation that budgets are
> always limited. Basically, I'm trying to understand how FA is disbursed
> because in the past, I've never quite managed to bridge the (huge) gap
> between the grant and the actual amount required for travel costs,
> accommodation costs, etc..
> To explain, for example, Pycon grants are fixed amounts distributed
> between travel, ticket, hotel, tutorial, conf, etc.. This break-up means I
> cannot find a sponsor for travel and use that grant amount to offset the
> accommodation costs.  So, four years in a row, I have had to return the FA
> received from Pycon (USA) at the last minute, as its harder to find sponsors
> for multiple things as opposed to requesting they fund either "travel" or
> "hotel" for 'N' amount. This means I increase the work for the volunteer who
> will then have to re-allocate the grant amount or worse, I blocked someone
> else who could have attended easily in that grant amount.
> This was the information I was looking for as pro rata seemed similar to the
> above and I wanted to avoid giving extra work to everyone involved. Hope
> that explains.
> Thanks,- SVAKSHA  ॥  http://about.me/svaksha> _______________________________________________
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