[EuroPython] conference length

Martijn Faassen faassen at startifact.com
Thu Apr 17 14:29:27 CEST 2014

Hey Carina,

On 04/17/2014 10:24 AM, Carina.Haupt at dlr.de wrote:

> This definitely it not a perfect compensation for attending a talk
> live, but it might help some of you to consider this. I personally
> use this a lot on conferences which offer streaming and/or
> recordings. Okay, I now I gave my two cents. But this shall be
> enough. :)

That's a good point, of course, thank you.

I think it would be good to take stock at some point though, and see 
whether in 2015 and beyond we may want to go back to the previous 
duration of the conference or make other adjustments.

As Andreas suggested, we could to some type of survey, though I wouldn't 
do it *just* at the conference itself, as you'd only catch those willing 
to show up for 5 days there. :)



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