[EuroPython] Diversity of attendees

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Thu Apr 17 13:24:17 CEST 2014

On 17.04.2014 07:18, Steve Barnes wrote:
> On 16/04/14 18:22, Troy Howard wrote:
>> I recently organized a conference in Budapest (Write The Docs EU). I can confirm that it's a great
>> city to hold a conference in. Cheap lodging/food, lots of fun local culture outside of the
>> conference, and easy to get to from all over Europe. Also, I felt safe and welcomed there as a
>> native English speaker.
>> Most importantly, there is a Budapest-based company, Prezi, who has an amazing events staff that
>> help us organize our conference, has organized a number of smaller conference in their own venue
>> (~100-150 people), and is also organizing a much larger conference (Craft Conf) in a much larger
>> venue (~500-1000 people, IIRC). They could definitely help EuroPython succeed there.
>> I'd be glad to put the EuroPython organizing team in touch with the Prezi event staff to discuss
>> the possibility of hosting EuroPython 2015 in Budapest.
>> Thanks,
>> Troy
> Troy,
> While Budapest would be an amazing location for EuroPython you have the process backwards - The
> local python community in the host city becomes the EuroPython organising team if the produce the
> accepted proposal - there is no central team that takes EuroPython on tour.

This will change to 2015. The EPS is working on a model that'll make
it much easier for local teams to make a proposal:


In short, we'll have the EPS run the conference, with international
work groups doing the work that can be done remotely and the local team
providing on-site support. This will resolve the problem of losing
institutional knowledge every time we change location and greatly
reduce the risk a local organizer has to take.

We will follow up with more details in the coming days with new
blog posts:


If a local team is interested in hosting EPC 2015, they should sign
up to the blog. We will also post the final CFP on the usual mailing
lists, of course, and try to actively reach out to national Python
organizations, as well as volunteers for the work groups.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
EuroPython Society

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