[EuroPython] Europython warm up in Rome

Hynek Schlawack hs at ox.cx
Sat Jun 23 20:35:03 CEST 2012

+1. Any locals who could organize something?

Am 23.06.12 19:59, schrieb Lynn Root:
> Watching the final sounds like a lot of fun!  Count me in.  Can we
> select a place near the conference venue?
> On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 3:25 AM, Henrique Bastos <henrique at bastos.net
> <mailto:henrique at bastos.net>> wrote:
>     Count me in for any gathering plan.
>     I think it should be possible to mix the early bird with the game
>     watch somehow.
>     AFIK, italians are as crazy for soccer as brazilians. I would bet
>     that this game will be transmitted everywhere.
>     []'s,
>     --
>     Henrique Bastos
>     +55 21 9618-6180 <tel:%2B55%2021%209618-6180>
>     http://henriquebastos.net
>     Twitter: henriquebastos
>     Gtalk: henrique at bastos.net <mailto:henrique at bastos.net>
>     Skype: henriquebastos.net <http://henriquebastos.net>
>     On 23/06/2012, at 11:20, Hynek Schlawack <hs at ox.cx
>     <mailto:hs at ox.cx>> wrote:
>>     On Sunday is also the final of the Euro 2012. I have yet to find a
>>     place to watch, will there be some semi-official watch get together?
>>     Am 23.06.2012 um 10:49 schrieb Gadget/Steve
>>     <GadgetSteve at hotmail.com <mailto:GadgetSteve at hotmail.com>>:
>>>     On 22/06/2012 7:58 PM, Henrique Bastos wrote:
>>>>     Hello!
>>>>     I just arrived in Rome to warm up for Europython. I'm very
>>>>     excited about my first time attending this conference.
>>>>     However it still is several days away, and despite Rome has a
>>>>     lot of interesting places to see, I'm all about the people. 
>>>>     So it would be really great to start meeting Pythonistas. If
>>>>     you're in Rome until next wednesday, let's meet!
>>>>     You can find me via the bellow contacts.
>>>>     All the best,
>>>>     --
>>>>     Henrique Bastos <http://henriquebastos.net>
>>>>     Twitter: @henriquebastos <http://twitter.com/henriquebastos>
>>>>     Skype: henriquebastos.net <http://henriquebastos.net>
>>>>     +39 328 0431951 <tel:%2B39%20328%200431951>
>>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>>     EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
>>>>     http://ep2011.europython.eu/
>>>>     EuroPython mailing list
>>>>     EuroPython at python.org <mailto:EuroPython at python.org>
>>>>     http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/europython
>>>     Henrique,
>>>     Sorry but we will not be travelling until the Sunday before the
>>>     conference.
>>>     Can I suggest to all that are getting there Sunday having an
>>>     "Early Bird" get together on the Sunday night - possibly at the
>>>     bar outside the hotel?  This would be especially useful for the
>>>     partners as it would give them a chance to get together, see who
>>>     hits it off and possibly plan some unofficial joint outings.
>>>     Gadget/Steve
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
>>>     http://ep2011.europython.eu/
>>>     EuroPython mailing list
>>>     EuroPython at python.org <mailto:EuroPython at python.org>
>>>     http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/europython
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
>>     http://ep2011.europython.eu/
>>     EuroPython mailing list
>>     EuroPython at python.org <mailto:EuroPython at python.org>
>>     http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/europython
>     _______________________________________________
>     EuroPython 2011 - Florence June 20-26
>     http://ep2011.europython.eu/
>     EuroPython mailing list
>     EuroPython at python.org <mailto:EuroPython at python.org>
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