[EuroPython] [Europython-improve] EP 2011 Videos

David Mugnai dvd at gnx.it
Thu Jun 30 15:56:26 CEST 2011

On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 15:51 +0200, Hynek Schlawack wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 15:46, David Mugnai <dvd at gnx.it> wrote:
> >> You should seriously just BitTorrent them. That's what BT was made for
> >> and it's even cheaper for you in the end. There are a lot of Python
> >> hackers that will be more than happy to seed as long as it's necessary
> >> (me included) and everybody will be happy. :)
> > I'm working to make the videos viewable directly in the web page (HTML5
> > + flash fallback), in the meanwhile I've enabled a BitTorrent seeder
> > (thanks to S3); Can you give it a try?
> Excellent! But would you mind to set one torrent file for all of them?
> In most clients you can cherry pick the files.
> Or at least one page with all torrent links...I'm klicking through the
> schedule right now and it's rather tiresome. :) I want to leech them
> so I can seed.

Just do it:


I added a "BitTorrent" link  for each talk in the "list view".

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