[EuroPython] EuroPython digital guide now available as smartphone app

info at pycon.it info at pycon.it
Thu Jun 16 17:21:45 CEST 2011

We are happy to announce that you can now download the first version of the
EuroPython digital guide, as a smartphone application or mobile-friendly

We have partnered with [GuideBook][1] to offer a compelling app to browse the
schedule, look at the hotel map, and so on.

GuideBook is a free smartphone application (iOS and Android) that will let you
download the EuroPython guide and **browse it offline**. Moreover, a builtin
notification system will alert you whenever we will push a new update to the
guide, so that you can always keep in your pockets the latest version of the
conference schedule.

In fact, unfortunately, there are still changes going on in the [schedule][2]
that are forced by last-minute cancellation of speakers. We are trying to
minimize the reshuffling as much as possible, and Lorenzo (our speaker
manager) is working hard to fill all the missing slots with new talks.

We are also doing a few track swaps to better prepare for the [estimated
attendance][3] of each talk. You should hopefully see the number of warning
signs in the schedule reduce over the next hours.

Alas, since the conference booklets are already being printed, the version of
the schedule you will find in there will be slightly outdated. We will try to
communicate all changes clearly during the conference to compensate for this.

### Good EuroPythoneer's checklist

  * [Ticket][4]

  * [Hotel][5]

  * Travel

  * [Data/Tethering SIM][6]

  * [PyFiorentina][7] conference dinner reservation **(now sold out)**

  * Marked all talks I like in the [schedule][8] with the "like" button

  * Printed [my personalized schedule][9] listing all talks I like

  * Printed 5-10 paper copies of my CV for the [recruiting session][10]

  * Registered for the [sprints I want to join][11]

  * Preregistered for the [free wifi service][12]

  * **Downloaded the [Guidebook app][13] on my smartphone.**

  * Follow [@europython][14] on Twitter

  * Read EuroPython [blog][15]/[RSS][16]

  * Have fun with 650 programmers in Florence

   [1]: http://guidebookapp.com/getit/

   [2]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/ep/schedule

   [3]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/blog/2011/06/14/see-estimated-attendance-

   [4]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/registration

   [5]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/where

   [6]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/mobile#sim

   [7]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/blog/2011/05/18/pyfiorentina-legendary-

   [8]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/p3/schedule/ep2011/

   [9]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/p3/my-schedule/

   [10]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/work-python

   [11]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/p3/sprints/#list

   [12]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/wifi

   [13]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/mobile#guide

   [14]: http://twitter.com/europython

   [15]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/blog/

   [16]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/blog/feeds/latest/

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