[EuroPython] Talk submission problems (was Re: Reminder: 6 days left for EuroPython 2010 talk submissions)

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Thu May 6 21:45:28 CEST 2010

On Thursday 06 May 2010 11:50:04 Charlie Clark wrote:
> Am 24.04.2010, 17:20 Uhr, schrieb Alex Willmer <alex at moreati.org.uk>:
> > We still are looking for talks and tutorials on Django, PyPy, Twisted,
> > HTML5, Unladen Swallow, Testing and whatever you wish to present.
> FWIW I am still waiting to hear back on my submission (30th March) on BFG.

The two crucial questions:

1. Did you get a page thanking you for your talk and telling you that it had 
sent you a mail?

2. Did you receive a mail? ;-)

If the answer to the first question is "no", it's possible that the talk 
submissions system didn't tell you noticeably enough about something it 
didn't like about your submission. It's obviously unfortunate that a 
misunderstanding was thereby created, but I think the talks/schedule 
organisers are happy to accept submissions that are sent again.

If the answer to the second question is "no", but was "yes" for the first 
question, it is hopefully the case that your submission has been registered, 
but someone will have to confirm this.


P.S. I did make some semi-unauthorised changes to the submissions system to 
make error messages more noticeable, but I don't have the Django "mojo" to 
start re-architecting the code, sadly.

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