[EuroPython] Cancelling Reservation

Ralf Schoenian ralf at schoenian-online.de
Sun Jul 4 11:33:40 CEST 2010

Hello Organisers,

unfortunately, I also have to cancel my reservation - but for private 
reasons. I was so excited joining the best conference on planet earth 
but it's really impossible for me to travel to Birmingham this year.

I hope you can refund me and I am sure there are hundreds at the waiting 

My reference is RC6895486 and for the Etap Hotel RC6895551.

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Ralf Schoenian

Gabriele Fucci wrote:
> Hello Organisers,
> Unfortunately I can't be in Birmingham for the Conference, so I'd like 
> to cancel my reservation.
> I know this should be done four weeks before the Conference, but I 
> didn't have any warning before... I hope you will be able to resell it! ;)
> My order reference is RC7190476.
> I had a 5 days booking at Etap Hotel too, what about that?
> Do I have to write them (in this case I need the hotel booking number) 
> or is it all up to you?
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Gabriele Fucci
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