[EuroPython] Help me finalise my PyObjC talk!

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton luke.leighton at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 25 18:50:08 CEST 2009


wow - is that an NPAPI plugin (for webkit), but in... python??

ok - the reason i'm interested in this is because when i first started
on webkit, i thought "python bindings to a DOM model would make a
stonking desktop widget API".  so i looked around.  python-xpcom was a
pile of pants.  i spoke to apple developers, they said, "oh, yes, you
can use the objective-c bindings and then use python bindings to
those, that way you get access to the DOM".  i said, "does that work
on gnu/linux platforms?" and they didn't really answer.

so, anyway, i went ahead and added glib/gobject bindings to webkit,
and then put python bindings on top of those, and then got into a
bun-fight with apple employees over their fascist dictatorship style
of management of webkit.

so - i'm looking for an alternative, and an answer to the original
question: can you get pyobjc to work (somehow) on free software


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