[EuroPython] How about to move the mailing list to Google Groups?

Christian Scholz cs at comlounge.net
Fri Jul 17 14:21:46 CEST 2009


As for newsgroup like reading there is of course gmane.org which can
provide you with an NNTP interface and for a forum frontend there is
nabble.com which works on existing lists as well.

IMHO this usually gives most users one method which should work for them.

Sorin Sbarnea wrote:
> I have several mailing-lists under Google Groups and they have two
> very nice features:
> * protect your email address from spiders
> * administrators can moderate every first message from new members -
> this does catch all the spam using a little effort from the
> administrators, is not a big deal the the first message is not
> delivered instantly.

I don't care that much about it unless I can read and reply to the list
with my normal email address. So far I have not found out how to
actually do this. If somebody can tell me, this would be much
appreciated though. (not though that my normal email address is now
attached to an Google Apps account for my company which seems to add
another layer of confusion to the whole Google authorization system. To
me at least.)

In general I am more for synchronizing different frontends though than
to move the whole thing.

-- Christian

> --
> /sorin
> http://nusunt.eu
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Michael Foord<michael at voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
>> Alex Willmer wrote:
>>> 2009/7/17 Sorin Sbarnea <sorin.sbarnea at gmail.com>:
>>>> I don't want to start a flame but I think it would be a good idea to
>>>> move the mailing list to Google Groups.
>> A downside of google groups is that they suffer from substantially more
>> spam. The online UI is much nicer though.
>> Michael
>>> python-list (the main python mailing list) appears in Groogle Groups
>>> because it is reflected as the comp.lang.python newsgroup. I'm not
>>> sure how you would request this for the europython list, but perhaps
>>> the same could be done.
>>>> It's easier to read, has different subscription options and has the
>>>> nice feature that you can follow a thread (star function).
>>> Agreed. I understand why it happened, but I wish we had more
>>> newsgroups and fewer web forums/mailing lists. As a fall back, if you
>>> subscribe to these mailing lists using a Gmail account, you get some
>>> of same benefits as if they were available in Google Groups.
>>> Alex
>>> --
>>> Alex Willmer <alex at moreati.org.uk>
>>> http://moreati.org.uk/blog
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